Misakimuffin's Blog


Monthly Archives: August 2010

Boys In Striped Pyjamas – Film/Book

There are several diffrences between the book and the film.  One of the main diffrence is that the film conveys message, by the use of film techniques. For example, Bruno’s innocence has been addressed by the  use of childish music and camera shots of Bruno playing with his friends on his way back from school. In the Book, Bruno’s innocence has been portraited by the use of language techniques, for example childish narration and his use of elementaly school level English such as “Out With” or “Fuhrer” which has been repeated to emphasis his naivety.

Certain Phrase is repeated In BITSP

In Boys in the Stripped Pyjiamas, certain phrase such as “Out with what” has been repeated to emphasis naivety and dramatic irony. We readers know the final solution of the holocaust however nine years old Bruno has no idea which makes this novel so terrifiying.